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The Role of Subacute Care Facilities in Advanced Wound Management

The Role of Subacute Care Facilities in Advanced Wound Care Management

what is a transitional care unit?

What Is a Transitional Care Unit? Post-Acute Recovery Explained

If you or a loved one are being discharged from the hospital but are not ready to return home, a transitional care unit may be right for you.
Understanding the World of Developmental Disability

Understanding the World of Developmental Disability

Learn more about developmental disabilities, the different types, causes, symptoms and how to treat it. At Sierra Care, we are committed to providing exceptional support for patients with developmental disabilities.
California Nursing Career: How To Become A Registered Nurse (RN)

How To Become A Registered Nurse (RN) in California

A career in nursing is an excellent choice for anyone looking to work in healthcare. Nursing has been a flexible, stable, and well-paying career for decades. As the American population ages, the demand for nurses will only increase, potentially leading to better pay and even greater job availability.
Conditions That Require Subacute Care

Conditions That Require Subacute Care

Patients admitted to the hospital for a serious illness, injury, or worsening medical condition are often discharged before they can fully recover. Patients who have recovered enough to leave the hospital but still require more medical care than a typical doctor’s office can provide will benefit from subacute care.
What Comes Next? Medical Care After Leaving The Hospital

What Comes Next? Medical Care After Leaving The Hospital

Healing from a major injury or medical emergency continues long after you or your loved one leaves the hospital. Time spent in the hospital is known as acute care and is focused on stabilizing life-threatening medical conditions or injuries.
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